Get started with Prisma - Step 1 - Migrations

Step 1 - Migrations


What's this?

Today we'll cover migrations in Prisma. We'll create a couple of models, add some data and perform respective queries. We'll extend the current schema with clients and product reviews.


I suppose you've already read the instructions of step 0 here and you've got some response from the hello-world-like example.

If you're bored do a git fetch and switch to the step1 branch (git checkout step1), copy .env.example to .env, run yarn prisma generate and skip the next steps.


  • First we need to create an initial migration, so let's do it: yarn prisma migrate dev --name initial-migration. This will require you to delete existing data. For convenience, I've already supplied a dump in the prisma folder, named mydb_initial.sql.
  • Run cat db/mydb_initial.sql | sqlite3 ./db/mydb.sqlite to reimport data.
  • Now let's add the Clients table. Add this to the prisma/schema.prisma file:
model Client {
  Id           Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  ClientName String?
  ClientSurname  String?
  • Run yarn prisma migrate dev to generate the respective migration and of course generate a new @prisma/client for this application.
  • Now the Prisma client knows how to handle the Client table.
  • Now let's add the Review model and make changes to the Product and Client models. Add these lines to the prisma/schema.prisma file:
model Review {
  grade        Int
  clientId     Int
  productId    Int
  client     Client        @relation(fields: [clientId], references: [Id])
  product     Product        @relation(fields: [productId], references: [Id])
  @@id([clientId, productId])

Change Client as shown below:

model Client {
  Id           Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  ClientName String?
  ClientSurname  String?
  Review       Review[]

Change Product as follows:

model Product {
  Id              Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  ProductName     String?
  SupplierId      Int
  CategoryId      Int
  QuantityPerUnit String?
  UnitPrice       Decimal
  UnitsInStock    Int
  UnitsOnOrder    Int
  ReorderLevel    Int
  Discontinued    Int
  Review          Review[]
  • Run yarn prisma migrate dev --name add-reviews, check the new migration that was made inside prisma/migrations.
  • Now the Prisma client knows how to handle the updated Client and Product models and their M:N relation through the Review model.

What I can do next?

  • Run yarn prisma studio to start Prisma Studio and check the changes. Add some clients and some reviews.
  • Run yarn tsc ./src/index.ts and then node dist/index.js to see the Clients and the Reviews table on the console.
  • Play around and have fun with the src/step1.ts
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